Hans Ruedi Giger (1940-2014), known simply as H. R. Giger, is one of the most influential and distinctive artists of the 20th century. Famous for his unique style that merges organic elements with machines and mechanical structures, H. R. Giger, The Master of Biomechanical Visions, created an unsettling and fascinating artistic universe.
The Best Horror Sculptors in History
The art of sculpture has a long tradition of exploring the darkest and most unsettling themes of the human experience. Over the centuries, numerous artists have created works that evoke fear, awe, and wonder, using diverse materials and innovative techniques. Here is an overview of the greatest horror sculptors in history.
H. R. Giger: The Master of Biomechanical Horror
H. R. Giger: The Master of Biomechanical Horror is one of the most iconic and influential artists in the field of horror and science fiction art. Born on February 5, 1940, in Chur, Switzerland, and passing away on May 12, 2014, in Zurich, Giger left an indelible artistic legacy through his works that combine biomechanical elements with dark and unsettling themes. His unique style has fascinated and terrified millions of people around the world, making him a legend in his field.