It Comes at Night

Una famiglia (padre, madre e figlio) vive isolata, in mezzo al bosco, e al sicuro dal resto del mondo dove circola e miete vittime un misterioso e mortale virus.
La routine delle loro vite viene spezzata un giorno con l’arrivo di una famiglia in cerca di un luogo sicuro dove trovare riparo…

Dyatlov Pass and the Mystery of the Missing Hikers

The Dyatlov Pass is the site of a mysterious and tragic incident involving a group of nine Russian hikers in 1959. The group, led by Igor Dyatlov, was in the northern Ural Mountains in the Siberian region when all members died under unexplained circumstances. The event is known as the “Dyatlov Pass Mystery” and remains one of the greatest unsolved enigmas of modern history.

Black Cat Day

Black cats have a bad reputation in many countries, but nowhere as much as in Italy. In 1233, Pope Gregory IX issued a papal bull declaring them instruments of the devil, initiating a true persecution throughout the Middle Ages, when black cats were thrown into the fire to join witches on the pyre.


A group of young robbers takes advantage of the riots in Paris to attempt a bank heist. The robbery goes terribly wrong, and the robbers, pursued by the police, are forced to flee and split up. Some of them find refuge in a seedy and isolated inn owned by some local farmers near the border with Belgium.


Brodie and Zakk are two outcasts united by their passion for heavy metal music. The two students form a band together, but an evil musical score will forever change their lives. Anyone who plays it will gain great power but will also awaken “Aeloth The Blind One,” an ancient malevolent entity that will turn humans into psychotic demons. Of course, they play it….