
  • Manfred Fritz Bajorat – Il Marinaio Mummificato

    Manfred Fritz Bajorat – Il Marinaio Mummificato

    Manfred Fritz Bajorat was a German sailor found mummified aboard his yacht Sayo in February 2016, after his boat was spotted drifting near the coast of the Philippines. His body was discovered slumped next to the radio apparatus, suggesting that he may have been attempting to send a distress message before he died. This particular detail added a mysterious aura to his death, making the case famous internationally.

  • Peter Kürten: Il Vampiro di Düsseldorf

    Peter Kürten: Il Vampiro di Düsseldorf

    Nel buio della storia criminale, alcune figure emergono come oscuri e spaventosi incarnamenti del male. Uno di questi è Peter Kürten, conosciuto come "Il vampiro di Düsseldorf", un serial killer che terrorizzò la Germania durante gli anni '20 con una serie di omicidi brutali e sanguinosi. La sua storia è un intrico di orrore, psicologia distorta e il costante scontro tra il bene e il male.

  • Henry Howard Holmes il Primo Serial Killer Americano

    Henry Howard Holmes il Primo Serial Killer Americano

    Henry Howard Holmes, born Herman Webster Mudgett on May 16, 1861, in Gilmanton, New Hampshire, is often considered the first serial killer in United States history. His life is a mixture of deception, fraud, and unspeakable horrors that culminated in the construction of the infamous "Murder Castle" in Chicago.

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