“Blink Twice” marks the directorial debut of Zoë Kravitz, best known for her acting career. In this psychological thriller, Kravitz explores the dark sides of power dynamics, privilege, and human nature, crafting a film that tackles complex and unsettling themes.
The Bride
The film follows the story of a young couple, Vanya (Vyacheslav Chepurchenko) and Masha (Viktoriya Agalakova), who become involved in disturbing supernatural events after going to Vanya’s parents’ home for their wedding.
RIP Lattanzi Claudio
Ha lasciato tutti senza parole e in lacrime la notizia della scomparsa, a soli 66 anni, del regista romano Claudio Lattanzi,
RIP Shelley Duvall
The recent passing of Shelley Duvall on July 11, 2024, marks the end of a career filled with iconic roles and a life journey that was complex and, at times, troubled.
Tomino’s Hell
Tomino’s Hell (Tomino no Jigoku) is a famous Japanese poem written by Yomota Inuhiko (a pseudonym of Saijo Yaso) and published in 1919 in the collection “Sakin”.
Witches and Spells
Salvator Rosa, an Italian painter and poet of the 17th century, is known for his works filled with drama and mystery. Among his most iconic creations stands “Witches and Spells,” a painting that evokes the dark and mysterious charm of the Baroque period.