Bingo Hell

“Bingo Hell” introduces us to a community of elderly citizens who regularly gather to play bingo at their local hall. However, their peaceful routine is suddenly disrupted when they discover that a malevolent force has taken over the bingo hall and is brutally killing anyone who dares to challenge it. Determined to protect their loved ones and their beloved bingo game, the elderly citizens band together to fight against this looming threat, uncovering dark truths along the way.


The story begins with the protagonist leading a normal, quiet life. However, everything changes when he is attacked by a mysterious creature on a full moon night. After the bite, strange and terrifying symptoms start to manifest, forcing him to confront the harsh reality of having become a werewolf.


After his wife’s death, the protagonist decides to leave his past behind and starts a new life on the isolated island. He takes on the job of a shepherd, hoping that the tranquility and serenity of nature will soothe his pain and allow him to live without regrets. However, he soon discovers that inner demons are not easily banished and that his past continues to haunt him.

Ghost Lab

The film introduces us to the protagonists, Dr. Wee and Dr. Jatupol, two young doctors working in a hospital in Thailand. After witnessing an apparently supernatural haunting within the hospital, they become obsessed with the idea of obtaining scientific proof of the existence of ghosts. What begins as simple curiosity quickly turns into a dangerous obsession, with increasingly dark and sinister consequences.

The Fear Collection

The plot revolves around a group of Spaniards traveling to Venice to celebrate a bachelorette party. However, their idyllic stay is disrupted by the vibrant protests of residents against the close passage of cruise ships, which threaten the fragile ecosystem of the city and disturb the daily tranquility of the Venetians.


In 2021, South African director Jaco Bouwer took us on a haunting and evocative journey into the Tsitsikamma forest with his film “Gaia.” This psychological thriller drags us into a world of darkness and mystery, where nature itself seems to pulse with life and ancient power, while the boundaries between reality and myth blur frighteningly.

Ma presto Gabi scopre che la salvezza potrebbe essere solo un’illusione, poiché Barend è un uomo ossessionato da una fervente convinzione religiosa ed ecologista. Convinto dell’esistenza di un’antica entità biologica all’interno della foresta, Barend considera questa presenza come l’unica vera divinità, e intraprende ogni azione possibile per proteggerla e adorarla.

The Elevator Game

The plot revolves around Dale, a lonely teenager whose life is disrupted by the mysterious disappearance of his sister. Over time, Dale begins to suspect that behind his sister’s disappearance may lie a dark secret connected to an online game called “The Elevator Game.” This game involves a group of people attempting to travel to a different time dimension through the use of elevators.

Deciso a scoprire la verità sulla scomparsa della sorella, Dale si immerge sempre più nel mondo pericoloso e enigmatico del “The Elevator Game”. Con ogni salita e discesa nell’oscurità di un ascensore, si avvicina sempre di più alla verità, ma scopre anche che ciò che si nasconde al di là delle porte potrebbe essere più pericoloso di quanto avesse mai immaginato.