Author: Anonymous



“Misery” is a psychological thriller from 1990 directed by Rob Reiner, adapted from the novel by Stephen King. The film is renowned for its gripping plot and intense performances by the lead actors, Kathy Bates and James Caan.

Law Abiding Citizen

Law Abiding Citizen

“Law Abiding Citizen” is a 2009 psychological thriller directed by F. Gary Gray and starring Gerard Butler and Jamie Foxx. The film provides a gripping look at justice and morality through the story of Clyde Shelton (played by Gerard Butler), an engineer whose life is turned upside down when his wife and daughter are brutally attacked during a home invasion.

Michael Gambon is Dead

Michael Gambon is Dead

The British actor Michael Gambon, best known for playing Albus Dumbledore in six of the eight Harry Potter films, has died in hospital at the age of 82, his family has announced. Michael Gambon was a British actor of great talent and versatility. Born on October 19, 1940, in Dublin, Ireland, he spent much of his career on stage and screen, earning a reputation as an extraordinary actor.