Horror Anime
Horror Anime
But what exactly are Anime? And more importantly, what are Horror Anime?
In Japanese, the term “anime” refers to any form of animation, regardless of its geographical origin or style. Outside of Japan, however, the term is used exclusively to refer to animated works produced in Japan.
We can surely define them as a mass cultural phenomenon and a form of technological art.
We were used to (allow me the term) Japanese cartoons, which in the 80s captivated thousands of children and adults. Among many, we remember Jeeg Robot of Steel and Mazinger, but in recent years they’ve made their mark in the horror film world. Some anime can create more anxiety and fear than any live-action movie.
Since genuine fears are rare, the anime series that actually deliver on this front are all the more worthy of celebration.
We’ve tried to honor this way of conveying fear with a dedicated video, hoping to transmit to all of you that anxiety and terror you so eagerly seek.
If what you’re looking for is blood galore, then in this video you’ll definitely find plenty of it.
All that’s left is to wish you a good viewing, and we recommend not watching it alone…
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