Rosalia Lombardo – The Most Beautiful Mummy in the World
Rosalia Lombardo – The Most Beautiful Mummy in the World
There is nothing more heartbreaking than the death of a child. Her name is Rosalia Lombardo, and she is considered the most beautiful mummy in the world.
As the name suggests, the mummy is Italian and is housed in the Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo, in the Chapel of Santa Rosalia. Little Rosalia Lombardo, who passed away in 1920 at the age of 2 due to pneumonia, was embalmed by Dr. Salafia, commissioned by the girl’s father, who, devastated by grief, wanted to give his little girl eternal life.
Until a few years ago, however, the embalming techniques used by Salafia were unknown. No one was aware of his formula, which, ironically, he took to the grave with him.
Rosalia’s great-granddaughter, however, revealed the discovery of a notebook from Salafia that describes the entire embalming procedure for little Rosalia. After finding the notebook, scientists subjected Rosalia’s body to X-rays, discovering that all her organs are still intact.
But the Mystery Continues
A small mystery has enveloped Rosalia Lombardo’s mummy: the girl opened and closed her eyes multiple times a day.
The phenomenon has been recorded by cameras installed in the room where the child rests, and initially, no one could provide an explanation. Some called it a miracle, others spoke of a paranormal phenomenon, and some considered it a kind of publicity stunt…
According to Dario Piombino Mascali, the site’s curator, the mysterious, and in some respects unsettling, phenomenon actually has a simple explanation: “It is just an optical illusion – he said – caused by light filtering through the side windows, which changes throughout the day.
Additionally, the mummy has changed position: it was previously tilted due to a wooden support, but now, in the new display case, it is horizontal.
Therefore, it is observed, better than before, that the eyelids are not completely closed, nor have they ever been.” However, some videos clearly show the eyelids moving…
And you dark souls, would you like your body to survive the relentless decay of flesh?