Samuel Stern
Samuel Stern is an Italian horror series launched in 2019 by Gianmarco Fumasoli and Massimiliano Filadoro for the publishing house Bugs Comics. Set in Edinburgh, the series centers around Samuel Stern, a bookstore owner with a passion for the occult who has a rather unique occupation: exorcisms. But his mission goes beyond the traditional “demon hunting” approach. Samuel is a complex, troubled, and very human character who approaches each case with an intent to understand, trying to resolve the psychological and social roots that make people vulnerable to possession. This characterization sets him apart from other genre heroes, making the series intriguing and modern.
One of the most interesting aspects of Samuel Stern is its exploration of themes of evil and suffering. Every exorcism becomes a journey into the souls of the possessed, and Samuel finds himself confronting deep fears and traumas. Often, evil has more human than supernatural roots, and the series emphasizes how psychological suffering can open dangerous doors. This blend of supernatural horror and psychological drama is a distinctive feature that gives the comic a dark and introspective tone, offering a dark mirror to modern fears.
The graphic style of the series perfectly matches its atmosphere. The artists use intense shading and visual details that immerse the reader in a cold and unsettling world, with a gothic Edinburgh as the perfect backdrop. The possession scenes are depicted with a rawness that conveys the inner torment of the characters. The visual tension is never gratuitous but serves to emphasize the psychological weight of each scene. Dark spaces, macabre details, and skillful use of light turn each page into a work that communicates anguish and tension.
The story structure is equally noteworthy. Samuel Stern follows a serialized format, where each episode presents a new case but with a narrative continuity that slowly delves into Samuel’s past and secrets. This choice allows readers to better understand the protagonist and his relationship with the supernatural, creating an emotional bond with the audience. In some episodes, intriguing details about Samuel’s past are revealed, hinting at a fate that even he may not be able to escape. The series keeps readers engaged by mixing standalone stories with a broader underlying mystery.
Samuel Stern has earned a place of respect in Italian horror comics, standing out for its psychological and philosophical approach. The success of the series is due to its ability to blend supernatural horror with a deep analysis of the human psyche. While other series focus on monsters and visceral fear, Samuel Stern invites readers to reflect on the traumas and suffering we all carry within us. This comic is not just a tale of terror, but a lens into the shadows of the human mind and heart, making it a must-read for those who love horror that digs deep.
Watch out, folks, Spoilers Alert!
In one of the most intense issues, Samuel faces a possession involving a seemingly normal young man, but the truth turns out to be far more tragic. The boy has been marked by a traumatic event from his childhood, which opened a dark door within him. During the exorcism, Samuel realizes that the demon is actually a manifestation of the boy’s repressed guilt and shame. This episode highlights how Samuel Stern does not represent evil simply as an external force, but as a reflection of the fears and wounds that reside within every human being.
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