The Bunny Game

The Bunny Game

The Bunny Game
Directed by Adam Rehmeier
USA 2011


Bunny is a prostitute roaming the streets of Los Angeles. With her wild blonde hair, she lives without any specific purpose other than spending the money she earns by selling her body on cocaine and food.
One day, she meets a truck driver who turns out to be far from the usual client, but something much more sinister…


The Bunny Game tells, in an extreme way, the drama that overwhelms a prostitute’s life. It’s based on real events that happened to the young protagonist (who actively participated in writing the screenplay with the director).

After falling into the hands of a perverted truck driver, she discovers the darker side of sex: from a source of pleasure and income that satisfies her vices, to a tool of physical and psychological torture.
A heavy and nihilistic torture porn, it’s well-filmed and structured around the raw realism of the villain’s depravity (although finding a clear “bad guy” in this film is a challenge due to the complete lack of morality in any of the characters). It is undoubtedly one of the most interesting and controversial titles in extreme cinema in recent years.

The film opens with a close-up of Bunny performing oral sex on a client, a sequence that borders on pure pornography, as the act is real and shown without any censorship or body doubles. The first 20 minutes (completely devoid of dialogue) immerse us in the protagonist’s world: a degraded urban setting filled with cocaine, prostitution, alcohol, and loneliness.
This slow pace continues until the appearance of the ultimate client: the deranged truck driver Hog, who literally raises the stakes of the film.
Once Bunny is taken into Hog’s truck, an endless sequence of torture, violence, extreme games, and inhuman screams ensues. Bunny becomes nothing more than an object in her torturer’s hands, as he films every moment of this obscene ritual, rewatching the footage to arouse himself from the fear on her face. He even leaves her fate to chance.

She is beaten, humiliated, shaved, put on a leash and paraded around like a dog, starved, branded, raped, and whatever sliver of humanity she had left disappears completely in this “game” between the bunny and the pig.
The sense of nihilism and helplessness permeates The Bunny Game throughout its second half. Rehmeier makes striking use of black-and-white cinematography, which heightens the deep and constant discomfort conveyed by the film.
However, the movie is not without flaws: the constant flashbacks are unexplained, the total absence of dialogue prevents any psychological depth for the characters and renders certain moments hard to understand, the use of black metal music feels out of place, and there isn’t a single drop of blood in the entire film—not even during the torture scenes.

Despite these flaws, the film is deeply disturbing: a torture porn filled with rape, fetish practices, and bondage amidst an ocean of psychological violence.
Completely banned in the UK, it remains unreleased in some countries but can be found in DVD and Blu-ray markets.

Pandemonium Moment

Undoubtedly, the moment when our protagonist, freshly kidnapped and unconscious in the truck trailer, is “explored” by the sadistic truck driver is profoundly unsettling.

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