The Mothman
The Mothman
Legends and ancient myths seem to draw power from our fears, gaining a vitality that transforms them into real events, devoid of any fantastical connotation.
Among the most extreme and fascinating cases in recent decades is undoubtedly that of the mysterious winged creature now known as Mothman.
Do you remember the 2002 film starring Richard Gere, “The Mothman Prophecies”? Perhaps not everyone knows that it is based on real events that occurred between 1966 and 1967 in the town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia.
To be precise, it all started on November 15, 1966, when four friends, during a car ride, decided to venture near an abandoned World War II factory…
One of the guys noticed two strange red lights of high intensity right in the middle of the factory yard.
Upon getting closer, the group of friends realized that these were not lights but rather a sort of glow coming from the eyes of a large creature: “With a semi-human shape and large wings folded on its back.”
The friends fled in terror to Sheriff Halstead. This was the first encounter with the Mothman, a name coined by a local journalist who interviewed the unfortunate witnesses.
Did the FBI and CIA Investigate?
Following the first sighting, there were a flurry of others reported by nearly all the residents of Point Pleasant. The commotion attracted about thirty “Men in Black” to the remote town, possibly federal agents or CIA operatives.
They never identified themselves, and according to many, their manner of dealing with people was cold and brutal.
Every scientist, curious individual, or journalist interested in the Mothman was subsequently harassed and threatened by the rough Men in Black.
An incredible series of disasters followed in the months afterward: after the Mothman sightings, many people lost their lives, two planes crashed in the area, and a hurricane destroyed several homes.
But the worst incident was undoubtedly the collapse of the Silver Bridge on December 19, 1967, which claimed 46 lives.
So who was the Mothman, and how were the Men in Black connected to him? As with many cases, countless speculations have been made: mass hallucinations, UFOs and aliens, political conspiracies, military experiments.
Among all these theories, the one that seems to have gained the most credibility, at least among the witnesses of the tragic events, was that of journalist John Keel.
After carefully collecting and studying all the sightings’ statements, he concluded that the Mothman was somehow attempting to warn people of the imminent catastrophe that was about to strike them, and that the Men in Black wanted to prevent this.
After the collapse of the Silver Bridge, there were no more reports of Mothman, at least in West Virginia.
It wasn’t until 1985 that a new sighting of the creature was recorded: in Mexico City during the terrible earthquake that struck the city, and in 1986 in conjunction with the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
Some even swear they saw it on September 11, 2001, during the collapse of the Twin Towers.
Was it all just a series of hoaxes? Mass hysteria? Collective hallucinations? It’s up to you dark souls to draw your own conclusions…