The Mystery of Overtoun Bridge
Overtoun Bridge is a fascinating and mysterious location in the Scottish Lowlands. Built in 1859, the bridge became famous for the phenomenon known as “Dogs Jumping from the Bridge,” where domestic dogs have suddenly and without apparent reason, jumped off the bridge, often with tragic consequences.
There have been about 600 reports of dogs jumping from the bridge since its construction, with most of the incidents occurring in the last 20 years. Despite the bridge’s owner, the Count of Overtoun, having a protective fence built along the edge of the bridge in 2005, some dogs have still managed to jump off the bridge.
The causes behind this phenomenon are unknown, and several theories have been proposed, including the hypothesis that dogs are attracted by the scent of a type of rodent called “voles” that live in the area or that the bridge emits radiation. However, none of these theories have been scientifically confirmed.
The phenomenon of “Dogs Jumping from the Bridge” at Overtoun has captured the attention of many and remains an unsolved mystery. Despite efforts to prevent further incidents, the bridge continues to be a dangerous place for domestic dogs. We hope that one day an explanation for this strange behavior can be found and that dogs can be kept safe when near the bridge.
All the dogs that jumped into the void belonged to long-nosed breeds, such as Collies, Labradors, and Retrievers. Even stranger: some animals that survived the nearly 15-meter fall returned to the bridge to jump again. Due to these tragic events, it is not surprising that local authorities have decided to leave a warning: “Please keep your dogs on a leash.”
Yet, the suicide bridge for dogs continues to claim lives. And not just those of animals.
Other Victims of the Bridge
In 1994, a man named Kevin Moy threw his two-week-old baby from the bridge. The man was about to meet the same fate when he was stopped by his wife. As he later declared, Moy believed he was the Antichrist and that his son was a reincarnation of Satan.
The locals believe that the responsibility for this mysterious phenomenon lies with the spirit of the “White Lady of Overtoun.”
Right next to the bridge stands Overtoun House, a historic estate dating back to the 19th century. It is said that within its walls, the ghost of Lady Overtoun, the White Lady, roams. Her husband, Baron Overtoun, was a millionaire reportedly devoted – according to legends – to alchemy and satanic rituals. After his death in 1908, it is said that Lady Overtoun, overwhelmed by grief, continued to wander between the estate and the bridge, and that her spirit has never found peace.
Many people after a walk on the bridge claim to have had supernatural experiences. For example, some have reported feeling sudden happiness, followed by deep depression. Others claim to have been pulled by someone or something toward the side from which the dogs jump. Despite its beauty, Overtoun Bridge remains a sad place for many animal lovers. No one can say for sure what lies behind the “suicide bridge for dogs” at Overtoun.
And you, dark souls, would you have the courage to cross Overtoun Bridge?

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