
The work in question is the third installment of a trilogy that also includes the films “Unbreakable” from 2000 and “Split” from 2016. The plot revolves around three main characters: David Dunn (played by Bruce Willis), Elijah Price / Mr. Glass (played by Samuel L. Jackson), and Kevin Wendell Crumb (played by James McAvoy).

The Beyond

Il film in argomento è il secondo capitolo della cosiddetta “trilogia della morte” di Fulci, preceduto da “Paura nella città dei morti viventi” e seguito da “Quella villa accanto al cimitero”.Questo è sicuramente l’horror più visionario di Lucio Fulci oltre che tra i suoi film più apprezzati in assoluto. Cult assoluto del nostro cinema di genere ed apprezzato in tutto il mondo.


The film follows the story of a family man, portrayed by Andy Powers, who wears a clown costume for his son’s birthday, but discovers that the garment is cursed and he can no longer remove it. This triggers a terrible transformation that leads him to become a ravenous creature that feeds on children.

Halloween – The Beginning

The work in question is a remake of the classic 1978 horror film, Halloween, directed by John Carpenter. Rob Zombie has put his personal touch on this, creating a more intense and violent version of the original story. That said, it is worth highlighting and reporting what Rob Zombie himself stated regarding the definition of a “remake” of such an iconic and influential work as Carpenter’s first Halloween: