Author: Elena

Milanese di nascita e Toscana di adozione.

Nata il 16 ottobre del 1970, inizia il suo approccio con la tecnologia in tarda età sperimentando con i montaggi video e scoprendo una grande passione.

Grazie al suo maestro e ormai compagno Carlo, che la guida passo passo, si cimenta nella creazione del sito Horror d’Elite per il quale segue le rubriche Video e Fiabare.

Manfred Fritz Bajorat - Il Marinaio Mummificato

Manfred Fritz Bajorat – Il Marinaio Mummificato

Manfred Fritz Bajorat was a German sailor found mummified aboard his yacht Sayo in February 2016, after his boat was spotted drifting near the coast of the Philippines. His body was discovered slumped next to the radio apparatus, suggesting that he may have been attempting to send a distress message before he died. This particular detail added a mysterious aura to his death, making the case famous internationally.

RIP Maggie Smith

RIP Maggie Smith

Rip Maggie Smith, the legendary British actress known for her roles in Harry Potter and Downton Abbey, passed away on September 27, 2024, at the age of 89. According to her sons, Chris Larkin and Toby Stephens, she died peacefully in a hospital, surrounded by friends and family. The family expressed gratitude for the support they received and for the care provided to her during her final days.


The Necronomicon

The Necronomicon is an imaginary book created by the American writer H.P. Lovecraft, a key figure in horror literature and weird fiction. The text is often referenced in Lovecraft’s works and those of other authors in the “Cthulhu Mythos,” a collection of stories exploring themes of cosmic horror, supernatural entities, and the insignificance of humanity in the face of forces beyond human comprehension.

The Zodiac Killer

The Zodiac Killer

The Zodiac Killer is one of the most infamous serial killers in American history, known for terrorizing California between the late 1960s and early 1970s. This unidentified murderer killed at least five people, although he claimed responsibility for 37 murders, sending a series of cryptic and provocative letters to the media, many of which contained encrypted puzzles. Despite intense investigations and countless theories, his identity remains a mystery, contributing to his fame as one of the most elusive criminals ever.

Lars Von Trier

Lars Von Trier

Lars von Trier, born on April 30, 1956, in Copenhagen, Denmark, is one of the most controversial and visionary filmmakers in contemporary cinema. Known for his ability to push the emotional and stylistic boundaries of his films, von Trier has built a unique cinematic career marked by a strong provocative streak and an unrelenting pursuit of new narrative forms. His work is often characterized by a nihilistic and dark worldview, where pain, sacrifice, and guilt play a fundamental role.

Viggo Mortensen

Viggo Mortensen

Viggo Mortensen is one of the most respected and versatile actors of his generation. With a career that spans from independent cinema to international blockbusters, Mortensen has demonstrated a unique ability to transform himself into a variety of roles and genres. This article will explore in detail Mortensen’s private life and career, offering an in-depth look at his evolution as an artist and person.

Yorgos Lanthimos

Yorgos Lanthimos

Yorgos Lanthimos, born on May 27, 1973, in Athens, Greece, is one of the most distinctive and innovative directors and screenwriters in contemporary cinema. His career, characterized by a unique and provocative vision, has captivated both audiences and international critics. His private life, though relatively reserved, contributes to the context and understanding of his creative work.

Kathy Bates Dice Addio alle Scene: una Carriera Straordinaria Giunge al Termine

Kathy Bates Says Goodbye to the Screen

One of Hollywood’s most beloved and respected actresses has officially announced her retirement from acting. With a career spanning over four decades, Bates has delivered memorable performances in films, TV series, and on stage, earning numerous awards, including an Oscar for Misery. Her departure leaves a void in the hearts of fans and the film industry, marking the end of an era where her charismatic presence made a lasting impact.

Peter Kürten

Peter Kürten: Il Vampiro di Düsseldorf

Nel buio della storia criminale, alcune figure emergono come oscuri e spaventosi incarnamenti del male. Uno di questi è Peter Kürten, conosciuto come “Il vampiro di Düsseldorf”, un serial killer che terrorizzò la Germania durante gli anni ’20 con una serie di omicidi brutali e sanguinosi. La sua storia è un intrico di orrore, psicologia distorta e il costante scontro tra il bene e il male.

Henry Howard Holmes

Henry Howard Holmes il Primo Serial Killer Americano

Henry Howard Holmes, born Herman Webster Mudgett on May 16, 1861, in Gilmanton, New Hampshire, is often considered the first serial killer in United States history. His life is a mixture of deception, fraud, and unspeakable horrors that culminated in the construction of the infamous “Murder Castle” in Chicago.