Fright Night
“Fright Night” is a 1985 horror film directed by Tom Holland. This film is a true gem of the 80s horror genre, brilliantly blending elements of terror and comedy. Here is an in-depth overview:
Milanese di nascita e Toscana di adozione.
Nata il 16 ottobre del 1970, inizia il suo approccio con la tecnologia in tarda età sperimentando con i montaggi video e scoprendo una grande passione.
Grazie al suo maestro e ormai compagno Carlo, che la guida passo passo, si cimenta nella creazione del sito Horror d’Elite per il quale segue le rubriche Video e Fiabara.
“Fright Night” is a 1985 horror film directed by Tom Holland. This film is a true gem of the 80s horror genre, brilliantly blending elements of terror and comedy. Here is an in-depth overview:
La trama di “Pihu” ruota attorno a una bambina di due anni, Pihu (interpretata da Myra Vishwakarma), che si trova sola in un appartamento dopo che la madre è deceduta. Con il padre fuori città, Pihu deve affrontare la quotidianità in un ambiente pieno di potenziali pericoli domestici. La bambina, inconsapevole della tragedia che si è consumata, cerca di svolgere le normali attività quotidiane, ma la situazione si fa sempre più pericolosa man mano che il film prosegue.
The recent passing of Shelley Duvall on July 11, 2024, marks the end of a career filled with iconic roles and a life journey that was complex and, at times, troubled.
Eli Raphael Roth, born on April 18, 1972, in Newton, Massachusetts, is one of the most influential directors in the modern horror genre. Known for his visceral and often controversial style, Roth has left an indelible mark on the cinematic landscape with a career spanning directing, acting, and producing.
With great sadness, we announce the passing of Bill Cobbs, a veteran of the film industry, who left us at the age of 90. Cobbs, known for his long and prolific career as a character actor, passed away peacefully surrounded by his loved ones. His passing marks the end of an era for Hollywood, where his talent, magnetic presence, and dedication to acting left an indelible mark.
Hidden among the lush suburbs of London, Highgate Cemetery emerges from the morning mist as an eerie monument to the past. Once reserved for the most illustrious Victorian citizens, this place now lies in a state of fascinating decay, wrapped in ghost stories and unsettling shadows that seem to whisper among the ancient tombstones.
Oscar-winning actor Donald Sutherland has died in Miami at the age of 88. His son Kiefer announced on social media: “With a heavy heart, I tell you that my father has died. Personally, I consider him one of the most important actors in the history of cinema. Never deterred by a role, good, bad, or ugly,” he wrote.
**Horror vacui**, literally “fear of empty space” in Latin, is a concept that has traversed the history of art and culture, manifesting in various forms and contexts.
The story of Kelly Cahill is one of the most documented and discussed UFO encounters in Australia. Occurring in 1993, the case of Kelly Cahill is notable not only for her detailed account but also for the independent testimonies of other witnesses and the alleged physical evidence. This event has become a reference point for studies on close encounters of the third kind, generating interest and debate among both ufologists and critics.