
Directed by Paolo Strippoli (2022)

After the co-direction debut in 2021 (A CLASSIC HORROR STORY) with Roberto De Feo, we present this second work from the young Italian director-screenwriter Paolo Strippoli.
In a time of low creative output from the Italian horror industry and subsequent reduced visibility, the underlying idea appears effective and commendable, even though the more attentive viewers may notice elements reminiscent of “The Fog” and King.

Flowing is set in a gloomy Rome under a torrential rain, where a mysterious yet unsettling mist-vapor rises from the manholes. Breathing it in unleashes repressed frustrations in individuals, giving free rein to rage and violence.


We could define Flowing as urban horror. There is the Roman underbelly, which is not necessarily that of the suburbs but rather that of less affluent neighborhoods, sewers, and daily crime news. The most dramatic and painful news of murders and domestic assaults continues to flood the television news: how wonderful it would be if there were a supernatural explanation for this horror? This seems to be what Jacopo Del Giudice, the film’s screenwriter, is asking, to which Paolo Strippoli tries to give a face and voice. They portray Rome as a metropolis completely in disarray, grappling with both the daily internal struggles of managing spaces and general dysfunction—those who have lived there know what we are talking about—and what the entire world is experiencing externally, amidst post-pandemic issues, war, climate change, and so on.
Note: In theaters starting November 10.

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By Elena & Alfredo

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