The Exorcist

The Exorcist

The Exorcist, the iconic horror film that has terrified thousands worldwide, with one of the most evocative soundtracks ever used for a movie of this genre…

Here is the track ENJOY, DAMNED SOULS


A viewer sued Warner Bros, claiming that the subliminal messages in the film caused her to fall badly, resulting in a broken jaw. The studio settled the case out of court, never disclosing the total amount paid.
Linda Blair received death threats for her role and was followed by bodyguards for many months after the film’s release.

The set of The Exorcist seemed cursed: filming was delayed when a fire suddenly broke out from the heart of the MacNeil house.

According to Friedkin, a pigeon had flown into one of the electrical system’s meters.

Guess which room was the only one spared by the flames? The “squaring of the circle,” the possessed girl’s room remained intact, probably because the flames of hell had already thoroughly infested the bedroom.

Paul Bateson was a radiographer who made a small contribution to the film’s technology. In 1979, Bateson was convicted of the murder of film journalist Addison Verrill.

The man may have been a serial killer because, during the trial, prosecutors and police accused him of being involved in the deaths of other homosexuals, which he bragged about while in prison. For this reason, Bateson is considered a serial killer, although the evidence never fully confirmed it.

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