The series, created by Steven Zaillian, unfolds through a succession of events in which Ripley, played by Andrea Scott, is involved in an assignment that takes him to Europe. His task is to convince a young heir, Dickie Greenleaf, to return home to the United States.
Baby Reindeer
The series that’s taking Netflix by storm is a gripping narrative that pulls viewers into the depths of the human psyche and twisted relationships. Based on a true story, this production delves into the tale of Richard Gadd, a successful comedian whose life takes a cruel turn when he becomes the obsession of Martha, a former lawyer who starts stalking him.
The story is set in the Chassidic world of Brooklyn and follows Etsy’s journey as she tries to escape the strict restrictions of her community to begin her new life as a free and independent woman.
The Three-Body Problem
The story revolves around the first book, and in part the other two, of Cixin Liu’s eponymous trilogy. Set against the backdrop of a tumultuous China during the Cultural Revolution, young scientist Ye Wenjie discovers a way to contact life forms alien to Earth. Years later, we will discover the consequences of this historic encounter.
Santa Clarita Diet
A television series with a unique blend of dark comedy and horror elements. We’re talking about Santa Clarita Diet, created by Victor Fresco. A fresh and surprisingly new take on the zombie genre.
The mini-series is indeed based on the 2015 article “An Unbelievable Story of Rape”, about the cases of serial rape in Washington and Colorado, and follows the story of Marie Adler, a young woman accused of fabricating a sexual assault, and the two detectives, Grace Rasmussen and Karen Duvall, who investigate a series of similar crimes.
The plot tells the consequences of an accident between two strangers in a supermarket parking lot. Steven Yeun (The Walking Dead) plays Danny Cho, a small construction entrepreneur, while Ali Wong (American Housewife) portrays Amy Lau, an independent entrepreneur with a picturesque life.
The Fall of the House of Usher
“With a captivating mix of mystery, drama, and psychological tension, ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’ stands out as a compelling television series that has captured the attention of viewers worldwide. Loosely based on the tale by the master of horror, Edgar Allan Poe, the series transports viewers into a dark and twisted world where reality intertwines with nightmare.”
The Twilight Zone
“You are about to enter another dimension, a dimension that encompasses not only sight and sound but also the mind. A journey into the wonderful world of imagination. Next stop: The Twilight Zone.”
Into the Night
INTO THE NIGHT, a Belgian TV series based on the science fiction novel “The Old Axolotl” by Jacek Dukaj.